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Go to record Register - European Soldiers, Bengal Army 1790-1860 Register - European Soldiers, Bengal Army 1790-1860
 Registers of Bengal Army European Soldiers 1790-1839 A - K

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Date transcribed2017-03-01
Transcribed byRobert Charnock

Year  1830    
Surname  Elmes    
Given Name  Joseph    
Rank or situation  Gunner    
Situation  2nd Company 2nd Battn. Artillery    
Occupation before enlistment  Tailor    
Town and County  Stony Stratford, Bucks    
When and where first enlisted  Westminster    
Year of enlistment  5 Jul 1830    
Years of contracted service  Unlimited    
On what ship arrived from Europe or from what service entertained  Thomas Grenville 13 Oct 1831    
Remarks  1st Company 1st Battn. 1834    
Date of Casualty Report or Return  Cas Report Apr 1849    
Date of death  20 Mar 1849    
Place of Death  Nusseerabad    
Amount of Estate in Money and effects. Rupees - Annas - Pice  1931 - 3 - 3    
How disposed of  Intestate    
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The registers give full personal details of enlisted men, including casualties, in a rougly alphabetical arrangement in date order of arrival in Bengal. They were compiled at East India House, mainly from the Muster Rolls
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