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 Bombay Times, 1851 - Arrivals

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Date transcribed2017-09-23
Transcribed byD Edge, J Birtles, J Alder, L Fretwell, D Freer, A Hamblen, A Webb, D Moore, A Goodchild and R Ryan
CommentArrivals to Indian ports listed in the Bombay Times in 1851.

Date  13 Jan    
Year  1851    
View all other items of "Ship" with value "Haddington" in "Bombay Times, 1851 - Arrivals" Ship  Haddington    
Operator  P&OCo    
Type of Ship  steamship    
Commander  Commander JS Field    
View all other items of "Passenger  Surname" with value "Grant" in "Bombay Times, 1851 - Arrivals" Passenger Surname  Grant    
Title  Colonel    
View all other items of "Embarked at" with value "Calcutta" in "Bombay Times, 1851 - Arrivals" Embarked at  Calcutta    
View all other items of "Destination" with value "Southampton" in "Bombay Times, 1851 - Arrivals" Destination  Southampton    
View all other items of "Origin" with value "Suez" in "Bombay Times, 1851 - Arrivals" Origin  Suez    
Edition year  1851    
Edition date  24 Jan    
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Arrivals and departure notices extracted from the Bombay Times newspaper.

PLEASE NOTE: Accuracy of name spelling in the arrival and departure notices is variable. Any errors will almost definitely be due to an error on the Bombay Times part and not a transcription error.
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