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Go to record Bilhari Cantonment Cemetery Bilhari Cantonment Cemetery
 Bilhari Cantonment Cemetery Index

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Date transcribed2018-05-29
Transcribed byPeter Summers

This is one of the graveyards for which FIBIS commissioned Mr Rajat Sharma to take photographs and details of all legible headstones. All inscriptions are included wherever they are legible.

If you would like to order copies of photographs of any headstone listed in this index please make a note of the Image Reference Number and order copies on our Cemeteries Project page where you will also find more details about this exciting project.

Image  Bilhari514A.jpg    
Other image  Bilhari514B.jpg    
Other image  Bilhari514C.jpg    
Other image  Bilhari514D.jpg    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Rolls" in "Bilhari Cantonment Cemetery Index" Surname  Rolls    
First Names  F A    
Inscription  To the glory of God and in memory of those Officers, NCOs and men of the 52nd Battery RFA who died during a tour of service in India from 1897 to 1911    
Rank/ Occupation  Cpl    
View all other items of "Regiment" with value "52nd Battery RFA" in "Bilhari Cantonment Cemetery Index" Regiment  52nd Battery RFA    
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This is one of the graveyards for which FIBIS commissioned Mr Rajat Sharma to take photographs and details of all legible headstones. All inscriptions are included wherever they are legible.

If you would like to order copies of photographs of any headstone listed in this index please make a note of the Image Reference Number and order copies on our Cemeteries Project page where you will also find more details about this exciting project.
click to expand  More details

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