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 Secunderebad - Cemetery Grave Inscriptions 2

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Date transcribed2021-10-16
Transcribed byPeter Bailey / Betty Rudder
CommentSecunderabad cemeteries. Names transcribed from photographs of headstone inscriptions.
Dataset originally transcribed by Peter Bailey May 2016.
Updated dataset transcribed by Betty Rudder 16 Oct 2021.

Image1  Secunderabad-2-0661a.jpg    
Image2  Secunderabad-2-0661b.jpg    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Tomes" in "Secunderebad - Cemetery Grave Inscriptions 2" Surname  Tomes    
First Name  Wm    
Rank/ Title  Rev    
Death Year  1839    
Death Day/ Mon  23 Oct    
Age at Death  52y    
Inscription  The late Revd Wm Tomes who having borne a faithful testimony to the truth of the Gospel by his preaching and example during the short period for which he was spared to exercise his ministry in Secunderabad entered into rest on the 23rd Octr 1839 aged 52 years This monument is erected by the [express wishes of] his widow and friends of the deceased    
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Transcriptions, photos or summary data of gravestones in cemeteries at Secunderabad

Secunderabad was a cantonment town that is now generally considered a part of the city of Hyderabad. The villages of Trimulgherry and Bolarum are suburbs of Secunderabad.

Presidency: Madras
Coordinates: 17.45N, 78.5E

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