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 St Johns Church Trichinopoly - Marriage Register 1842-1902

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DescriptionIndex of names transcribed from Photographs of the original Marriage Register held at St Johns Church, Trichinopoly, Madras between the years 1842 to 1902.
Date transcribed2021-06-22
Transcribed byKerry Palmer, Sandra Seager
CommentThese photographs were taken by members and friends of FIBIS who went on a Family History Tour of Southern India in 2015. Thousands of photos were taken, and were very kindly donated for our website. Our thanks to Gloria Dingley for permitting FIBIS to share these photographs.

View all other items of "Groom  Surname" with value "Williams" in "St Johns Church Trichinopoly - Marriage Register 1842-1902" Groom Surname  Williams    
Groom Name  Wilfred Edward    
Marriage Year  1900    
Marriage Day/ Mon  11 Jul    
View all other items of "Bride  Surname" with value "Melson" in "St Johns Church Trichinopoly - Marriage Register 1842-1902" Bride Surname  Melson    
Bride Name  Minnie Matilda    
Groom Age  29y    
Bride Age  18y    
Groom Condition  Bachelor    
Bride Condition  Spinster    
Groom Rank/ Profession  Driver SIR    
Groom/ Bride Residence  Trichinopoly    
Groom Father  Thomas Williams    
Bride Father  Romulus Alfred Melson    
Banns/ License  Banns    
Witnesses  A Rozario / H Rozario    
Married by  M E Cameron Chaplain    
Place  St Johns Church Trichinopoly    
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St Johns Church Registers. Marriage by Banns or Licence - Trichinopoly
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