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Go to record Case Book of European and Native General Courts Martial Case Book of European and Native General Courts Martial
 General Courts Martial 1801-1821 - Officers, NCOs Privates in HMs and HEIC Armies

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DescriptionIndex and subscriber pages from a book summarising courts martial in Calcutta from the first 20 years of the 19th century. Only the name index and subscriber pages have been transcribed, further information can be found in the book, including details of infraction and punishments.
Date transcribed2024-01-15
Transcribed byAgnes Cool
CommentRedactions made by William Hough, compiler and are shown as * for each letter redacted.

The list of subscribers might be of interest as rank and regiment are given for a long list of men; this info. might not easily be available elsewhere.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "M*******" in "General Courts Martial 1801-1821 - Officers, NCOs Privates in HMs and HEIC Armies" Surname  M*******    
First name  C S    
Rank/ Title  Capt    
Page  273    
Source  T35207    
Image ref  CourtsMartial_1801-21_115723.jpg    
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Index to the whole intended as an Aid or Appendix to the Articles of War and containing nearly 500 cases including several decisions of the courts of Law. [BL ref: T35207]
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