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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services F-I

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Forster" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services F-I" Surname  Forster    
First Name(s)  W R    
Rank  Major    
Regiment  (Unattached,) Commandant of the Shekawattee Battalion    
Commissions  Captain, 29 Jul 52 / Major, 8 Oct 60    
Service  Major Forster was employed in January 37 with a Detachment of, the Shekawattee Brigade, (Cavalry, Infantry, and Guns,)under Major H. Forster, in operations against some insurgents occupying the Village and Fort of Khialee, in Rajpootanah, from whence they were routed, and that stronghold blown up and destroyed. On the 25th January 38, served at the attack and capture by storm of the Hill-Fort of Goodha, in Rajpootanah, occupied by a party of insurgents who refused obedience to the Jeypore Government. In August, September, and October 39, served as 2nd in Command with the Shekawattee Brigade, which Corps formed part of the British Division assembled before Joudpore (in Marwar—Rajpootanah), under Major-General Hampton, to enforce the obedience of Rajah Maun Singh to the dictates of the British Government. In December 40 served with the Shekawattee Brigade, which, in conjunction with a quota of Troops in the service of the Rajah of Jeypore, laid siege to the Hill Fort of Kaluk (in Rajpootanah), held by a strong party of insurgents. Was engaged with the storming party in the assault on the out-works of Kaluk Hill Fort, on the 16th December 40, and served throughout the siege up to the period when the fortress fell. In June 43, proceeded from Joonjnoo, in Shekawattee, to Joudpore, in Command of a Wing of the Shekawattee Brigade (Cavalry and Infantry), and relieved the Joudpore Legion, which, under Captain Winter, marched on to Omercote, to assist General Sir Charles Napiers operations in Scinde. On 6th November 43, served with the Shekawattee Brigade, and was present at the forcing of the Pass of "Kotadeh," and subsequent action of Khettree (in Rajpootanah) with the rebels. In 45, 46, served during the Sutlej Campaign, with the Army under General Sir H. Smith, and on the 28th January 46, commanded the Infantry of the Brigade at the battle of Alliwal. Medal, Was present also with the Shekawattee Brigade under Brigadier Sir Hugh Wheeler, when his Force crossed the Sutlej for the occupation of Phillour and Jullundur, in the Punjab, in March and April 47. On the requisition of Colonel J. Sutherland, the Governor-Generals Agent in Rajpootanah, for the services of a body of Cavalry, was directed by Major H. Forster, Commanding the Shekawattee Brigade, to proceed in Command of 400 Horse of the Shekawattee Cavalry in pursuit after the noted free-booter Doongur Sing and his band of Kuzzuks, (mounted marauders,) who made a sudden and unexpected descent into Agra, attacked the Civil Guard, and after liberating some prisoners from jail, fled into the deserts of Beekaneer, Jessulmere, and Marwar, where, after a long and tedious pursuit, this banditti were broken up and dispersed. During the Mutiny of the Bengal Native Army, and rebellion in India, marched with the Shekawattee Battalion from Midnapore, in December 57, and was present on Field Service with this Corps, and a Naval Brigade of Europeans under Colonel H. Forster, C.B., employed against insurgents in the Maunbhoom and Singbhoom Districts ; and subsequently in February 58, proceeded with the Shekawattee Battalion to quell disturbances in the Sumbulpoor District, where the 5th and 40th Madras Native Infantry, the E. Company, 5th Battalion Madras Artillery, and Detachments of the Ramghur Irregular Cavalry and Infantry were also employed. Medal and Rank of Major.    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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