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Go to record Annual sick returns and reports, Hospitals Abroad Annual sick returns and reports, Hospitals Abroad
 Sick and Injured Returns Fort St George 1828-29

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Date transcribed2021-07-30
Transcribed byAndrew Cumine
CommentReturns from these individual stations may also include more details about a soldier's condition, the treatment he received and his fate. The individual annual summaries also contain information about treatment of sick women and children, though few, if any are named. Each individual station's Return contains a lengthy note from the Regiment's surgeon for the calendar year 1829. These may include details of individual medical cases under the surgeon's care, with notes on his treatment and its outcome.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Burke" in "Sick and Injured Returns Fort St George 1828-29" Surname  Burke    
First names  James    
Regt/ Occupation  41st Regiment    
Disease/ Injury  Febris Intermit    
Trans from  Belgaum or Arnee    
Trans To  Garrison Hospital Belgaum    
Remarks  The above 66 men were transferred to the Garrison Hospital on the 24th January 1829 when the Regiment left Belgaum    
Source Ref  WO334/4    
Internal Ref  AC_WO334-4_120650.jpg    
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From hospitals abroad: Trichinopoly, Cannanore, Bellary, Secunderabad, Molamyne, Belgaum, St Thomas' Mount, Fort St George, Bangalore and Madras (December 1828-December 1829). Held by the National Archives, Kew [WO 334/4]
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