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Go to record Register - European Soldiers, Bengal Army 1790-1860 Register - European Soldiers, Bengal Army 1790-1860
 Registers of Bengal Army European Soldiers 1858-1860 L - Z

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DescriptionHeld by the British Library - BL ref IOR/L/MIL/10/129. Film no. LL100451 to LL100936.
Date transcribed2020-00-00
Transcribed byRobert Charnock
CommentPlease note that the Currency listed in the Estate in Money & Effects column are in Rupees / Annas / Pies, unless otherwise designated as UK pounds [pnd] / shillings [s] / pennies [d] currency

Source film no.  LL100638    
Source year  1860    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "O'Neil" in "Registers of Bengal Army European Soldiers 1858-1860  L - Z" Surname  O'Neil    
First names  James    
Rank  Gunner    
Situation  4th Company 4th Battn Artillery    
Regt. no.  12542    
Occupation before enlistment  Wool Spinner    
Town and County  Huddersfield, Yorkshire    
Where first enlisted  Kingston upon Hull    
Enlistment date  28 Feb 1860    
Contracted service  12 years    
Service  Artillery    
Arrival ship from Europe  Sydenham    
Arrival date  18 Jul 1860    
Remarks  Volunteered in 1861 to Royal Artillery    
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The registers give full personal details of enlisted men, including casualties, in a rougly alphabetical arrangement in date order of arrival in Bengal. They were compiled at East India House, mainly from the Muster Rolls
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