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Go to record Ambala - Enumeration of European British Subjects and Foreigners Ambala - Enumeration of European British Subjects and Foreigners
 Ambala Mar-Jun 1947 - Census of European British subjects & foreigners

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DescriptionTranscribed from the series IOR/R/3/2/87-118 consisting of 32 binders in all. This is the first binder - Ambala (IOR/R/3/2/87). An informal census of British (and other nationalities) residing in Punjab - Ambala district - in the run-up to Independence in 1947.
Date transcribed2023-11-02
Transcribed bySandra Seager
CommentOnly those born before 1923 have been listed here. In some cases ages of children have not been included.

Each Form was to be completed and returned to the Superintendent of Police Ambala / Karnal / Lahore - without delay.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Baldwin" in "Ambala Mar-Jun 1947 - Census of European British subjects & foreigners" Surname  Baldwin    
First Names  M W    
Nationality  British    
Occupation  Civil Engineer    
Relationship to Principal  Principal    
Employer  North Western Ry    
Present Address  North Western Ry    
County/ Prov  Rupar, Ambala    
Country  India    
Permanent Address India  c/o Grindley and Co Ltd    
County/ Prov  Lahore    
Movements up to 30 Jun 1948  Not likely to leave Rupar until Dec 1947. Thereafter movements cannot be predicted    
Depart before June 1948  Yes    
Parent/ Spouse Name  None    
Children Names  None    
Family with you?  No    
Address if elsewhere  Park View, Holloway, Matlock, Derbyshire, England    
Form date  4 Apr 1947    
Additional Remarks  form signed Baldwin. Other information; Indian Ry Service of Engineers. Executive Engineer, Rupar-Telawra Ry Construction Rupar Dist. Ambala.    
Image ref  EnumsBritsAmbala1947_114649.jpg    
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Files of the Inspector-General of Police, Punjab, on the enumeration of European British subjects and foreigners resident in various districts. The enumeration was undertaken as part of the planning for the possible need for an emergency evacuation of Europeans.
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