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 Madras Nurses and Midwives Register for 1940 [IOR/V/25/851/8]

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DescriptionThe Madras Nurses and Midwives Register for 1940. published by the Office of the Registrar Madras Nurses and Midwives Council. Held by the British Library [Ref IOR/V/25/851/8]
Date transcribed2023-06-30
Transcribed byAgnes Cool
CommentNames, dates and qualifications of Nurses extracted from the Madras Nurses and Midwives Register of 1940.
- Part I Section A: represents nurses trained and registered in Great Britain or in approved general training schools in the Presidency of Madras.
- Part I Section B: represents nurses trained in foreign general training schools and nurses trained in approved general training schools outside the Presidency of Madras.

Serial no  338    
Cert no  1703    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Janaky Ammal" in "Madras Nurses and Midwives Register for 1940 [IOR/V/25/851/8]" Surname  Janaky Ammal    
First Names  Pariyarathodiel    
Title  Miss    
Prescribed Qualifications  Govt Cert No 690 Govt Vict Caste and Gosha H1 Madras    
Date obtained  6 Aug 1937    
Date of Registration  12 May    
Year of Registration  1938    
Place of profession  Valluvanad Taluk    
Address of profession  Chavara village Post    
Town/ City  Thikkaduri    
District/ Country  South Malabar    
Part- Section  I-A    
Source page  11    
Image ref  M-NursesMidwives_Reg1940_113050-11.jpg    
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Madras Nurses and Midwives Registers held by the British Library Ref: IOR/V/25/851. Listing Names, Dates and Qualifications
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