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Go to record Decrees of High Court of Chancery Decrees of High Court of Chancery
 Decrees of the High Court of Chancery, London, 1748-1881

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Transcribed bySteve van Dulken
CommentThe decrees occur when in litigation it was necessary to, mainly, call for creditors or legatees to make claims.
The Gazettes wording is usually "pursuant to a decree", occasionally "whereas by a decree", of the High Court of Chancery.

The parties named in the "cause" or case are often given to help finding them in the National Archives Research Guide on Chancery Equity suits, and explained in their leaflet "Chancery Equity suits after 1558" https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/chancery-equity-suits-after-1558/, which is essential reading when researching such litigation.

When trying to find them in the National Archives catalogue search Discovery https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ (which will not always be successful) limit the search to the C class.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Stevens" in "Decrees of the High Court of Chancery, London, 1748-1881" Surname  Stevens    
First names  Edmund Piper    
Place  California    
Unit  Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.    
London Gazette date  25 Mar 1862    
Page  1636    
Details  The matter of the residuary estate of Edmund Piper Stevens. Enquiry into whether or not he was dead or alive, and if dead, when he died. He was formerly of the Stock Exchange, London. He was born in or about 1793. He resided in Malta for a short time before 1816. He then came to London and in March 1817 he married Anne Jordan, at St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, and resided in London until 1835. He was heard of in New York in 1841, and afterwards seen in Edenbridge, Kent. In 1844, he was in the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's office, Grand Square, Alexandria, Egypt. In 1847 he was seen in London and is supposed to have gone to California in 1848, and to have died there.     
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The listing is of decrees made by the High Court of Chancery in London as reported on the official London Gazette, available online at https://www.thegazette.co.uk .
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