Census & Inhabitants
> Inhabitants - India
European inhabitants - Bengal |
European Residents - Mofussil 1793
Date transcribed | 2010-00-00 | Transcribed by | Suzanne Webber | Comment | IOR/O/5/26 Vol. 1 List 2: List of Europeans who are not in the Service of the Honble Company residing in the several districts of the Country specifying their employment and the term of their residence in India on the 31st December 1793 stated from lists supplied by the several Zillah Judges & Magistrates in compliance with the advertisement of Government of the 17th June 1793.
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Returns of non-official European Inhabitants in Bengal 1793-1830 held by the British Library IOR/O/5/26 & 27. Lists European Inhabitants residing in Bengal, Calcutta, and outlying districts. Both in the service of, and not in the service of The HEIC.