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Go to record La Martiniere College, Lucknow La Martiniere College, Lucknow
 La Martiniere College, Lucknow - Memorial Transcriptions

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DescriptionIndex of names. Transcribed from Photographs of Memorials located at La Martiniere College, Lucknow Bengal.
Date transcribed2024-07-19
Transcribed byAgnes Cool
CommentThese photographs were taken by members and friends of FIBIS who went on a Family History Tour of North India in 2015.
Our thanks to the FHT Group who took the photographs and have permitted FIBIS to share them.

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View all other items of "Surname" with value "Collins" in "La Martiniere College, Lucknow - Memorial Transcriptions" Surname  Collins    
First names  James    
Regiment/ Occupation  Pupil    
Death year  1857    
Inscription  Roll of Honour Defence of the Residency 1857 Boys    
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Digital photographs and transcriptions taken from memorials located at La Martiniere College, Lucknow
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