Civil Service Records
> Government Publications
Official Publications Civil Lists - Europeans in Telegraph Dept |
Persons Born to Europeans Not Domiciled in India, Indian Telegraph Dept 1896 - Names, Appointments
Description | Transcribed from volumes held at the British Library IOR/V/13/268 (1870) & IOR/V/13/269 (1886-1896). A selection of issues of civil lists of the Government of India. They are departmental establishment lists which include non-gazetted appointments, in particular the European Telegraphs. Includes name, appointment, date of appointment, residence and salary. | Date transcribed | 2024-01-03 | Transcribed by | Agnes Cool | Comment | Alphabetical List of Persons born of European Parents not domiciled in India, employed in the Indian Telegraph Department corrected up to 31st December 1896. |
| Surname | Copcutt | | First names | G W | | Appointments | Sub-Assistant Superintendent 1st grade | | Appointment date | 16 Mar | | Appointment year | 1868 | | Residence / where employed | Gauhati  | | Salary Rupee | 290 | | Source page | 2 | | Image ref | Telegraphs_Euros1886-96_115550.jpg |
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Civil Lists of the Government of India. Covering gazetted officers, subordinate services and departmental establishment lists and non-gazetted appointments - Telegraph, Public Works, Railways, Military Engineers. IOR/L/V/13/268 and 269