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 PCC Adminstrations relating to India 1830 - 1839

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken
CommentIf duty was payable, this was entered in the Legacy Duty Registers.  There are referenced by the IR number.

Surname  Rumbold    
First Names  William    
Date  6 Mar 1834    
Year  1834    
Source Repository  The National Archives    
TNA Reference   PROB 6/210, 6/214, 6/218, IR 26/239, 26/248, 26/255    
Entry   Bt., Sir, of Hyderabad, widr. [d 24 Aug 1833, to Septimus Arabin of Sudeley Castle, Worcestershire, Estate Duty Registers] attorney of Maria Arabin (wife of said Septimus) the aunt, one of the next of kin, & guardian of Sir Cavendish Stewart Rumbold, Bt., with Carlo Rumbold, Charles Hale Rumbold, Emily Victorine Rumbold & William Rumbold the only children, minors & infants, £450, further grant 25 Aug 1838 to the Rt Hon. George Pitt Rivers, Baron Rivers, as attorney of Septimus Arabin & Maria Arabin the guardians of the said children, minors & infants, having expired on Sir Cavendish having reached 21, £12000, further grant 2 May 1842 to the Right Hon. George Pitt Rivers, Baron Rivers [of Rushmere Lodge, parish of Berwick St John, May 1842 Estate Duty Registers] attorney of Carlo Arthur Henry Rumbold Esq. one of the children, now residing at the city of Paris, France, as Sir Cavendish was cited but did not appear and Carlo was 21, Pts    
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