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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1731-1831

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Antony    
First names  Jn.    
Rank/ occupation  Care of Chinese & Lascars for the EIC    
Death date  Aug 1805    
Place of death  Essex    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  Aug 1805    
Page number  779    
Detail  Aged about 30, at his country-house at Hallowall-down, Essex, Jn. Antony, esq. for whom a Bill of Naturalization passed into a law in March last. His body was removed to his residence in Shadwell, to be attended to that church by all the Chinese in town. He was the first instance of a Chinese having been naturalized in this country, where he had accumulated a great fortune, and bore a most excellent character, having for several years past been entrusted, by the Directors of the East India Company, with the care of the Chinese and Lascars employed in navigating their shipping to and from China. About six years ago he abjured Paganism, and embraced Christianity. Before his death he gave directions where he should be buried, which was in Shadwell Church, where he was baptised. He was carried to the grave in a hearse drawn by six horses, preceded by four natives of China dressed in white, being the mourning of their country, with four lighted wax-tapers in their hands. Two mourning-coaches followed, with the friends of the deceased, and above 2000 of the neighbouring poor and other persons.     
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