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Go to record St Johns Church, Calcutta St Johns Church, Calcutta
 St Johns Memorials Index - Bengal Obituary 1851

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DescriptionTranscriptions of MIs from The Bengal Obituary: Or, a Record to Perpetuate the Memory of Departed Worth, Being a etc etc by Holmes and Co (Calcutta, India ). Published by W. Thacker & Co
Date transcribed2009-08-22
Transcribed byPeter Bailey

Surname  Charnock    
Forename(s)  Job    
Year of Death  1692    
Inscription  D.O.M. Jobus Charnock, Armiger Angius et nup. In hoc regno Bengalensi dignissim' Anglorum Agens Mortalitatis suae exuvias sub hoc marmore deposuit, ut in spe beatae ressurectionis ad Christi judicis adventum obdormirent. Qui postquam in solo non suo peregrinatus esset diu, reversus est et domum suae aeternitatis decomo die 10th Januarii 1692. Pariter Jacet Maria, Jobi Primogenita, Carole Eyre Anglorum hicci Praefecti. Conjux charissima. Quae Obiit 19 die Februarii A.D. 1696-97.    
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Transcriptions taken from publications. Photographs of headstones and memorial tablets located at St Johns Church and Cemetery, Calcutta.
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