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Go to record Soldiers Soldiers' & Widows' Pension Details - 1896
 Soldiers Pension Details - 1896

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Date transcribed2009-00-00
Transcribed byPeter Rogers
CommentThe following data were taken in 1896 as a 'snapshot' of Pensioners who were formerly in service in India with the East India Company's Armies and/of the Indian Army. These data are transcribed from IOR/L/MIL/14/214

Note that many of the entries were made by persons with lack of knowledge of placenames or other details unfamiliar to better education. Accordingly, some of the spelling is not 'standard'!

IOR Reference  L/MIL/14/214 f.366/367    
Surname  Wilson    
First Name(s)  Edward (See Notes)    
Record Date  10-Jun    
Record Year  1896    
Address  112,Southwark Bridge Rd.,S.E.(London).    
Born  Churchdown nr.Cheltenham.4th.November 1820.    
Trade  Labourer.    
Enlisted  Liverpool, March -no date or year.    
Regiment(s)  (1).55th.? (2).3rd.Bengal Europeans.    
Served Under  Sir Charles Warren.    
Discharged  Beggers Bush Dublin - no date.    
Cause of Discharge  Compound fracture Right Ankle.    
Medals  1 for Indian Mutiny.    
Regimental Number  55th.= 1957.E.I.Compnay =1031.    
Wounds or Distinguishing Marks  None.    
Notes  Added note on Form states ""Alias Ed.Major."" Also a letter is attached to this Form = 112,Southwark Bridge Rd.London SE. Dated 10th.June 1896. Sir, I Edward Wilson wish to return you my sincere thanks for your kindness. I got my Identity Certificate filled up and sent in. I think you will find my statement is correct. I served in the 55th. in China under Sir James Sheode likewise Colonel Warren until I was discharged at Beggers Bush . I then served in the 3rd.European (Bengals) under Colonel Ridle at Agra engagement at Susca on the 5th.July 1857 under Brigder Polwel and Colonel Ridle likewise at Alygur on the 24th.August 1857 with Major Montgomery.At Agra on the 10th.October 1857 with Colonel Greetheads column and with Brigdier Cotton scouring all round the district at Cyperia at the execution of Tannitiropa. I should feel extremely thank full if you grant me a interview. I remain Sir Your Obedient Servant Edward Wilson.     
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In 1896 the Military Pension authorities determined to take a 'snapshot' of ex-soldiers of the EIC & Indian Armies who were receiving a pension in Europe. This snapshot provides very interesting details of the careers of each soldier and each widow receiving a pension.
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