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Go to record The Scots Overseas The Scots Overseas
 The Scots Overseas

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Date transcribed2009-00-00
Transcribed byPenny Tipper
CommentThese data have been transcribed from a book compiled by David Dobson and they provide references to the sources from which the data were obtained.

First name  John    
Surname  Ramsay    
Details  born in Whalsay, Shetland Islands, 1780, Captain of the 21st Bengal Native Infantry, died at Brijetolla, Calcutta, 20.8.1818.    
Region of Origin  Orkney & Shetland    
Reference  List of Officers of the Bengal Army, 1758 - , VCP Hodson 3.602    
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A referenced list of men and women from Scotland who emigrated or Adventured to British India. Brief biographical details are given together with the sources on information.

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