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Go to record South African Commercial Advertiser (1826-1851) South African Commercial Advertiser (1826-1851)
 South African Commercial Advertiser (1841-1851)

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Date transcribed2010-00-00
Transcribed bySue Mackay - Marianne Mansfield - Colleen Sharpe Williams
CommentSue McKay has kindly authorized us to publish her transcriptions of Family History-related data from the Announcements in the South African Commercial Advertiser. This is because they include very many references to personnel in the service of The East India Company en route to or from India or on furlough in S. Africa, which offered a more temperate climate. Also included are many officers and soldiers of the British Army regiments who may well have served in India shortly before or after serving in South Africa.

Publication Date  Wednesday 15 September 1847    
First Name(s)  passengers to Captain of the 'Mary Ann'    
Full Entry  Wednesday 15 September 1847: TESTIMONIAL: To William DARKE Esq: Commander of the Mary Ann: Dear Sir, The Passengers on the Mary Ann having, under Divine Providence, been brought safely to the termination of their voyage, are desirous to offer you their unanimous and cordial acknowledgements for the uniform attention they have received on their outward bound passage. The good sailing qualities of your ship, the perfect freedom from all annoyances, the regularity and order observed, the liberal treatment experienced, and the unremitting consideration of yourself and officers to their convenience, have in a great measure conduced to their general comfort; whilst to your own vigilance and able management of the vessel, so “well found” in every respect, they must, under the Divine Protection, attribute the quick and safe conclusion of their voyage. Desirous, therefore, that the sense they entertain of your attention and liberality shall be marked by something more permanent than a mere expression of their sentiments, they beg to offer for your acceptance a piece of Plate, which will be forwarded to you by Messrs. GORDON & Co, and with every wish for your future success, they subscribe themselves,Your faithful servants, Bowes FORSTER, Lt.Col., Fred. BISHOP, Capt., A.D.C. BEGBIE, G.J. BEGBIE, T.E.G. HAULTAIN, F.A. LAWFORD, Charles A. McMAHON, Geo. E. COWER, W.D. BAKER, Madras Roads, June 26th 1847    
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Transcriptions of 'India' or British Army related Announcements in the 'South African Commercial Advertiser
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