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Go to record South African Commercial Advertiser (1826-1851) South African Commercial Advertiser (1826-1851)
 South African Commercial Advertiser (1841-1851)

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Date transcribed2010-00-00
Transcribed bySue Mackay - Marianne Mansfield - Colleen Sharpe Williams
CommentSue McKay has kindly authorized us to publish her transcriptions of Family History-related data from the Announcements in the South African Commercial Advertiser. This is because they include very many references to personnel in the service of The East India Company en route to or from India or on furlough in S. Africa, which offered a more temperate climate. Also included are many officers and soldiers of the British Army regiments who may well have served in India shortly before or after serving in South Africa.

Publication Date  8 February 1851    
Event Date  2 January 1851    
First Name(s)  Two Children of Major Tritton    
Surname  Tritton    
Rank or Occupation  Major    
Event  Ships Voyage    
Full Entry  Supplement 8 February 1851:The ship Owen Glendower, Captain W.H. PARE, came into the Bay Wednesday after a splendid run of thirty-two days from Bombay, and fine weather all the voyage, one of the quickest passages ever made at this season of the year. Considering that she had three days calm on the Agulhas Bank. She is a splendid vessel, and her Commander has been highly spoken of by his passengers on this, and on former occasions. She sails again for London in 3 or 4 days. List of Passengers per ship Owen Glendower, Capt. W.H. PARE, from Bombay, bound to the Cape and London, left Bombay January 2nd 1851 (Latest London news, November 25th 1850) For the Cape: Mr. JAMESON, Brigadier Gen.; C.B. JAMES, Bombay Army; Lieut-Col G.J. JAMESON, Dep Auditor-General, Bombay Army; Mr. George JAMES; two native servants, Parlo and Timuljee. For London: Mrs. C.W. GRANT; Mrs. W.J. HUNTER and 4 children; Mrs. PARE; Mrs. J.C.P. REYMOLDS and two children; Mrs. COLE; Lieut-Col C.W. GRANT, Bombay Engineers; Capt. W.H. WOODGATE, HM 86th Royal Regt; Lieut. J. VALIANT, 1st Bombay Lancer; Dr. COLE, Bengal Army; two children of Major TRITTON’s, under charge of Mrs. REYNOLDS; four children of Capt. BULLARS, HM 94th Regt; two children of Lieut. H.D. HART, 39th M.N.I; five European servants and two Native servants; John SHICKLER, a sick seaman from the ship Benares of Glasgow.    
Reference  CO53/9 at the National Archives, Kew, London    
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Transcriptions of 'India' or British Army related Announcements in the 'South African Commercial Advertiser
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