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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography A to C

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Date transcribed2011-01-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Amir of Afghanistan    
First Name(s)  Dost Muhammad Khan    
Year of Birth  1791    
Year of Death  1863    
Entry  Twentieth son of Payinda Khan (executed 1799), who was chief of the Barakzais, and brother of Fateh Khan, the Barakzai "" Mayor of the Palace f Mahmud Shah, of the Abdalis, or Duranis. As the result of the fighting among the members of the Durani and Barakzai families from the time of Payinda Khan, Dost Muhammad established himself in 1822-3 m Kabul, Kashmir having been lost to the Sikhs in 1819, Herat and Peshawar not being in his power. He defeated Shah Shuja, the Sadazai or, Durani, late Amir, at Kandahar in 1833 : but lost Peshawar to the Sikhs in 1834 : styled himself Amir in 1833. In 1837 Burnes was sent on an embassy to Kabul, to oppose Persian designs on Herat : Dost Muhammad was found to be intriguing with Russia, and a Russian Envoy appeared at Kabul : Lord Auckland's Government decided to depose Dost Muhammad and reinstate Shah Shuja as Amir : on the approach of the British force in 1839 Dost Muhammad fled to Bokhara, but escaped, advanced on Kabul, made a stand at Bajgah, but was defeated and fled again : after a success against the English at Parwandarra, he surrendered, Nov. 3, 1840, to the English envoy and was sent down to Calcutta : at the end of the first Afghan war, in 1842, he returned to Kabul and resumed his reign : in the Panjab campaign of 1848-9, he sent assistance to the Sikhs : he concluded the treaty of Peshawar with the Governor-General in March, 1855, by which the independence of Afghanistan was recognised : and a subsidy was given to him, under an agreement made in Jan. 1857 : he regained Kandahar in Jan. 1856 : remained quiet and staunch to the British during the mutiny : established his power throughout Afghanistan, capturing Herat, May 27, 1863 : died at Herat, June 9, 1863 : was a strong ruler, and leader of men, but cruel and unscrupulous.
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