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Go to record Kelly Kelly's Handbook of Titled, etc. Classes1892
 Kelly's Handbook 1892 R-T

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Date transcribed2011-03-01
Transcribed byPeter Rogers
CommentThe entries listed are of people who had connections with India, Burma, Ceylon etc.

The many abbreviations used may be checked in Fibiwiki and you will also find the addresses of the Clubs that entrants belonged to there.

Name  Strachey    
Rank etc.  Lt-Gen., C.S.I., R.E. Bengal, F.R.S.    
First Names  Richard    
Family Career Home  3rd. s. of Edwd. Strachey, B.C.S. (d. 1832) & bro. of Sir Edwd. Strachey 3rd.Bart. b.1817. m. 1, dau. of Rev.Geo. Bowles. 2, Jane, dau. of Sir John P.Grant G.C.M.G., K.C.B. In Sutlej campaign 1845-6, on staff of Sir Harry Smith at Aliwal and Sobraon. Sec. to Gov’t. of India (Public Works Dept.)1861-6 & 1869-71. Memb. of Indian Council 1875-89. Ret. f. p. as Maj-Gen. Pres. R.G.S.1887. Chm. E. Indian Railway Co. from 1889. 69,Lancaster Gate, Hyde Park, W. Athenaeum Club.    
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India-Related Entries abstracted from "Kelly's Handbook to the Titled, Landed and Official Classes, 1892"
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