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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Karamat Ali    
First Name(s)  Syad    
Year of Birth  1796    
Year of Death  1876    
Entry  Born at Jaunpur, N.W.P : of a family descended from the Prophet : left home at 18, in quest of knowledge, spent 2 years at Lucknow, 10 in Persia : travelled widely in Persia and Turkistan : accompanied A. Conolly on his journey to India through Afghanistan and saved his life in that country : chiefly on Conolly's recommendation, was appointed representative of the Indian Government at the Court of Dost Muhammad Khan (the Sirdar, afterwards Amir) at Kabul : went up there via Ludiana : maintained friendship with C. M. Wade (q.v.), the A.G.G. at Ludiana : much esteemed at Dost Muhammad's Court : reported to the Indian Government the intrigues of the Russians and French at Kabul, and advised a definite understanding with the Sirdar, who was then anxious to unite himself to England. Karamat Ali was recalled from Kabul in 1835 : and in 1837, appointed Superintendent (mutawali) of the Hughli Imambara : where he remained till his death in 1876 : had great influence with the Muhammadans : much respected by the highest European officers. His predictions of the conduct of Russia toward Persia, the Khanates and Afghanistan, have proved remarkably accurate. A longer account of his career has been given in Syad Ameer Ali's article on "" England and Russia in Afghanistan"" in the Nineteenth Century for May, 1905.     
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