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 Patents of invention for British India, 1856-90

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Transcribed bySteve Van Dulken
CommentThis file contains data on patents of invention registered in the patent system for British India during 1856-90. It is limited to European residents of India, with a few entries for those living elsewhere with stated ties with India. The data is taken from chronological listings held by the Business & IP Centre, British Library. The titles have sometimes been abbreviated, otherwise the data is as given. Further information such as the patent documents themselves are not thought to have survived. From 1912 copies of patents are are held by the British Library, and any enquiries should be made to bipc@bl.uk. Patents numbered 1 to 8, in 1856, represent what was later regarded as an invalid attempt at patent protection, and the recognised patent numeration only began in 1859 after new legislation.

Patent no.  1875/26    
Surname  Tidmarsh    
First names  John    
Date registered  29 May 1875    
Short title  Ascertaining the sight of any person and selecting lenses of the propert focus    
Place  3 Wellesley Place, Calcutta    
Rank  Optician & watch-maker    
Unit  Messrs. Madeley & Co., opticians & jewellers    
Reference  Indian patent    
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