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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Deaths 1921 for the value 'Calcutta'  in field Place

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View Publications > Newspapers/PeriodicalsThe Times of India
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Surname: Neave Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 15
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Surname: Snell Given name(s): William Bampton Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 15
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Surname: Hardward Given name(s): Kenneth Augustus Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 16
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Surname: Davur Given name(s): Tehemina Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 17
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Surname: D'Souza Given name(s): Bonaventure (Bono) Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 27
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Surname: Bews Given name(s): John Henry Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 19
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Surname: Davidson Given name(s): Donald Emmer Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 22
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Surname: Earl Given name(s): Maud Jane Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 22
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Surname: Burnett Given name(s): Mary Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 22
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Surname: Mackintosh Given name(s): James Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 23
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Surname: Harley Given name(s): Jessie Beatrice Dalrymple Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 24
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Surname: Ring Given name(s): John Francis Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 24
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Surname: Stevens Given name(s): Emily Year: 1921 month: Feb day: 25
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Surname: Mendes Given name(s): Leonard Olbert Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 6
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Surname: Earle Given name(s): Ernest William Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 6
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Surname: Playfair Given name(s): George Frank Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 5
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Surname: Elder Given name(s): Frank Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 8
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Surname: Almeida Given name(s): Olivia Tomasine Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 11
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Surname: Roberts Given name(s): May Isabel Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 13
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Surname: Houste Given name(s): McGill Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 15
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Surname: Gibbons Given name(s): Ralph William Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 16
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Surname: Hope Given name(s): Henry James Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 16
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Surname: Band Given name(s): Agnes Jane Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 18
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Surname: Brown Given name(s): Arthur George Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 20
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Surname: Gillies Given name(s): Archhibald Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 19
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Surname: Sunder Given name(s): Carrie Jane Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 20
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Surname: Madge Given name(s): Percival Phipps Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 28
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Surname: Duncan Given name(s): William Newton Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 28
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Surname: Walsh Given name(s): William Year: 1921 month: Mar day: 30
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Surname: Danskin Given name(s): Isabel Louise Year: 1921 month: Apr day: 1
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