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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Banns of Marriage 1849-1924 for the value 'Widower'  in field Profession/civil status

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View Birth Marriage & Deaths > Marriages > St Helena BannsSt James Banns of Marriage
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Year: 1850 Groom surname: Fowler Groom given names: Edmund James Bride surname: Cole Bride given names: Ann Louisa
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Year: 1851 Groom surname: Carrol Groom given names: William Bride surname: Kennedy Bride given names: Helen Ann Margaret
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Year: 1851 Groom surname: Leslie Groom given names: Wm Bride surname: George Bride given names: Janet
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Year: 1855 Groom surname: Hudson Groom given names: Christopher Bride surname: Mason Bride given names: Ann Maria
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Year: 1856 Groom surname: Russell Groom given names: James Bride surname: Ponson Bride given names: Ann
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Year: 1856 Groom surname: Phillips Groom given names: Richard Bride surname: David Bride given names: Maria
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Year: 1857 Groom surname: Forbes Groom given names: James Bride surname: Thomas Bride given names: Sarah
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Year: 1861 Groom surname: McDaniel Groom given names: Henry Bride surname: Clayton Bride given names: Julia
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Year: 1862 Groom surname: Governor Groom given names: Peter Bride surname: Thomas Bride given names: Elizabeth
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Year: 1863 Groom surname: Peirce Groom given names: Adam Bride surname: Curtis Bride given names: Louisa Ellen
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Year: 1864 Groom surname: May Groom given names: Henry Bride surname: Reagon Bride given names: Emma
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Year: 1867 Groom surname: Parrott Groom given names: James Bride surname: Murray Bride given names: Ann
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Year: 1870 Groom surname: Pearse Groom given names: William Henry Bride surname: Frey Bride given names: Eleanor
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Year: 1870 Groom surname: Smith Groom given names: John Bride surname: Maggott Bride given names: Clarissa Ann
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Year: 1872 Groom surname: Henry Groom given names: Joseph Bride surname: Nelson Bride given names: Flora
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Year: 1873 Groom surname: Corker Groom given names: William Bride surname: Euley Bride given names: Rachel Ann
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Year: 1875 Groom surname: Watson Groom given names: Frederick Bride surname: George Bride given names: Rebecca
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Year: 1878 Groom surname: Rofe Groom given names: Martin Bride surname: Thomas Bride given names: Caroline
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Year: 1878 Groom surname: Williams Groom given names: John Bride surname: Benjamin Bride given names: Elizabeth
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Year: 1882 Groom surname: Pritchard Groom given names: Robert Moore Leech Bride surname: Gunnell Bride given names: Alice Helena Jane
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Year: 1883 Groom surname: Conolly Groom given names: Henry Benjamin Bride surname: Wade Bride given names: Mary Louisa
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Year: 1883 Groom surname: Peters Groom given names: Thomas Bride surname: Thomas Bride given names: Elizabeth
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Year: 1885 Groom surname: Peters Groom given names: Thomas Bride surname: Thomas Bride given names: Elizabeth
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Year: 1887 Groom surname: Peters Groom given names: Henry Bride surname: John Bride given names: Sarah
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Year: 1888 Groom surname: Richards Groom given names: Joseph Bride surname: Scott Bride given names: Sarah Margaret
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Year: 1888 Groom surname: Hopkins Groom given names: William Bride surname: Moyce Bride given names: Caroline Elizabeth
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Year: 1889 Groom surname: Jackson Groom given names: Thomas Bride surname: Warren Bride given names: Emily Louise
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Year: 1891 Groom surname: Youde Groom given names: Gabriel Bride surname: Fowler Bride given names: Elizabeth Mary
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Year: 1892 Groom surname: Jones Groom given names: Robert Bride surname: Goodridge Bride given names: Caroline
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: Samuel Groom given names: Thomas Bride surname: Franks Bride given names: Elizabeth
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