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 Madras In memoriam notices

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Date transcribed2015-10-31
Transcribed byPeter Evans
CommentNational Library of Wales - In memoriam notices in Welsh publications of people with India connection

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Marlborough" in "Madras In memoriam notices" Surname  Marlborough    
Rank  Dowager Duchess    
Place  London    
Year  1841    
Month  April    
Day  2    
Entry  On the 2d inst., at her residence in Park-lane, London after an illness of a few days, the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough. The deceased Duchess, who was second daughter of John seventh Earl of Galloway, was born on the 10th of April, 1767, and consequently was within a few days of completing her 74th year. In September, 1791 the Duchess was married to George Spencer Churchill, late Duke of Marlborough, who died in March of last year, by whom she had a family of six children, only one of whom survives their venerable mother namely, the Duke of Marlborough, born on the 27th of December I793 and married in 1819, to Lady Jane Stewart, eldest daughter of the late Earl of Galloway. During the last year no less than four immediate members ot the Spencer family have died the Duke of Marlborough, in March; Lord Charles Spencer Churchill, on the 29th of April; Lady Charles Spencer Churchill, wife of tbe last mentioned nobleman; and Lord John Churchill, captain R.N., who died in China when in command of the Druid. By the demise of the Dowager Duchess, the families of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, Earl and Countess of Galloway, Earl of Shaftsbury, Lord and Lady Churchill, and the Bishops of Newfoundland and Madras, are placed in mourning.     
View all other items of "Publication" with value "The Cambrian" in "Madras In memoriam notices" Publication  The Cambrian    
Edition Year  1841    
Edition month  April    
Edition date  10    
Page No  3    
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Welsh Newspapers Online (1804-1919) (http://newspapers.library.wales/home). 700 english language entries transcribed from the Family Notices that have a reference to 'Madras'. Transcribed by Peter Evans with the cooperation of the National Library of Wales.
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