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 Memorials of Old Haileybury College

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed byBenda Cook
CommentPublication Date: 1894
Author: F. C. Danvers, Sir M Monier -Williams, Sir S. C. Bayley, P. Wigram, the late Brand Sapte, and many contributors.
Publisher Constable & Co.: Westminster
British Library: OIR 354.54 Held in the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections.
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No.  767    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Wallace-Dunlop" in "Memorials of Old Haileybury College" Surname  Wallace-Dunlop    
Christian Names  Robert Henry    
Dates at Haileybury  1841-43    
3rd Term  Bengali Prize    
Presidency  Bengal    
Career in India  1843-65    
Annuitant  1865    
Date of Death  1887 Nov 15    
Final Appointment 1  Magistrate and Collector of Bareli    
Mutiny Service  Magistrate of Meerut. Absent on sick leave far away in the interior of the Himalayas, when, hearing of the mutiny of the troops at Meerut and the massacre of many of the Europeans, he hurried back. Hastening from Kulu, via Simla and Umballa, he proceeded to the Camp at Dehli. Thence he rode to Meerut almost unattended, through forty miles of country infested by rebels and resumed charge of his District on June 12. His locum tenens, Alexander Johnston, had been killed by a fall from his horse while on duty against some refractory villages. The District was in a state of anarchy. But Dunlop's presence installed new life and energy into the Administration. His first step was to raise the Khakee Resalla, a body of Volunteers composed of Civilians drawn from their Districts, Officers whose regiments had mutinied, some old Staff soldiers and a few faithful troopers. These were formed into a Corps commanded by Major Williams of the 29th Native Infantry, Capt. D'Oyley of the Stud, second in command, and Capt. Tyrwhitt, 14th Bengal Cavalry, as Adjutant. With these were detailed a few Carabiniers, some fifty men of H.M's. 60th Rifles, and two mountain guns. This force, always accompanied by Wallace-Dunlop, though constantly suffering from fever, continually patrolled the District, punished refractory villagers, checked the incursions of mutiniers [sic], and kept the communications open with the Camp at Dehli—a matter of extreme importance. This activity resulted in large amounts of revenue, withheld during the prevalence of anarchy, being paid in, and immediately on the fall of Dehli the Meerut District resumed its normal state, thanks to the excellent administration of its able and zealous Collector.    
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