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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Winchester College Register 1836-1906 for the value '1886'  in field Year entered

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Surname: Aldham Given names: George Seymour Harcourt Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Anderson Given names: Rowland James Percy Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Arthur Given names: Edmond John Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Charles Given names: Frank Rundall Stuart Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Partner
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Surname: Collinson Given names: John Grassie Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Tea planter
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Surname: Cowie Given names: Frances Stewart Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Deputy Commissioner
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Surname: Day Given names: William Cecil Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Assistant Superintending Engineer
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Surname: Forster Given names: Cecil Charles Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Tea planter
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Surname: Holland Given names: Robert Erskine Year of birth: 1873
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Surname: Huntingford Given names: George Tremenheere Year of birth: 1873
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Surname: Malan Given names: Walter de Merindol Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Registrar
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Surname: Moberly Given names: Arthur Norman Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Assistant Magistrate and Collector
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Surname: Monro Given names: William Douglas Year of birth: 1874 Rank: Missionary
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Surname: Ollivant Given names: William Spencer Year of birth: 1873 Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
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Surname: Papillon Given names: Philip Hardinge Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Manager
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Surname: Pringle Given names: John Christian Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Assistant Collector and Magistrate
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Surname: Rennie Given names: Francis Pepys Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Judge
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Surname: Ricketts Given names: Robert Lumsden Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Russell Given names: Francis Deane Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Russell Given names: Robert Vane Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Assistant Commissioner
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Surname: Stubbs Given names: Lawrence Morley Year of birth: 1874 Rank: Assistant Magistrate and Collector
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Surname: Wigram Given names: Clive Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Wilkinson Given names: Walter Hugh John Year of birth: 1874 Rank: Assistant to Resident
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