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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value '1900'  in field Year Entered

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Surname: Babington Given Names: Myers Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Beauchamp Given Names: Harold Charles Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Beauchamp Given Names: Willoughby Greaves Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Browne Given Names: William Hamilton Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Burlton-Bennet Given Names: John Arthur Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Catterson-Smith Given Names: Thomas Mervyn Osborne Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Conybeare Given Names: Maynard Henry Crawford Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Crooke Given Names: Elliott Hampden Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Crooke Given Names: Rowland Howard Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Cummins Given Names: Harry Jackson Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Dane Given Names: Francis Arthur Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Finch Given Names: Lionel Hugh Knightley Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Fitzpatrick Given Names: Noel Trew Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Francis Given Names: Reginald Frankland Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Growse Given Names: Robert Henry Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1887
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Surname: Hamilton Given Names: Roland Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Harker Given Names: Oswald Allen Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Hood Given Names: Charles Creasy Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1887
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Surname: Jenkins Given Names: Robert Alfred Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Lockhart Given Names: Basil Stewart Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1885
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Surname: Lucas Given Names: Clifton Malet Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1885
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Surname: Macdonald Given Names: Donald Roy Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Ostrehan Given Names: Malcolm Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Prendergast Given Names: Charles Randolph Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Prendergast Given Names: Guy Routh Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Saunders Given Names: Arthur Hugh Rich Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1885
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Surname: Swann Given Names: Robert Wyndham Anstruther Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Turner Given Names: Humphrey Shewell Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1885
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Surname: Watson Given Names: George Holden Alder Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Williams Given Names: Henry Frank Fulford Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1885
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