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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value '1849'  in field Year Entered

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Surname: Babington Given Names: Charles Walter Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1841
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Surname: Basevi Given Names: James Palladio Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1832
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Surname: Battine Given Names: George Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1835
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Surname: Begbie Given Names: Mars Hamilton Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1833
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Surname: Brandt Given Names: Francis Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1840
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Surname: Chamier Given Names: Francis Edward Archibald Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1833
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Surname: Chamier Given Names: Stephen Henry Edward Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Dyer Given Names: Robert Coates Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Elliott Given Names: William Charles Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1833
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Surname: Falcon Given Names: Anthony Benn Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Farquharson Given Names: Charles Martin Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Gordon Given Names: Thomas William Willeic Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1841
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Surname: Grant Given Names: Alexander Charles Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1833
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Surname: Griffiths Given Names: Henry Harcourt Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1839
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Surname: Grimston Given Names: Rolland Vincent Sylvester Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Handcock Given Names: Henry Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Hay Given Names: John Crosland Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1837
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Surname: Hay Given Names: William Wemyss Frewen Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Hodgson Given Names: Charles Casamajor Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Jago Given Names: Robert Stephens Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Knipe Given Names: Leonard Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1839
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Surname: Knox Given Names: George Uchter Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1837
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Surname: Lang Given Names: Arthur Moffatt Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1832
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Surname: Mackenzie Given Names: Charles A. Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1835
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Surname: Magrath Given Names: Archdale William Chalmers Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Martin Given Names: John Paton Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1833
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Surname: McCausland Given Names: William Henry Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Moore Given Names: Charles William Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Moore Given Names: John Hebblethwaite Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1835
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Surname: Noble Given Names: Horatio Nelson Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1834
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