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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Royal Engineers'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Addison Given Names: John Copley Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1852
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Surname: Arbuthnot Given Names: Alistair Dare Staveley Year Entered: 1895 Year of Birth: 1881
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Surname: Attree Given Names: Frederick William Town Year Entered: 1869 Year of Birth: 1853
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Surname: Awdry Given Names: Ambrose Year Entered: 1858 Year of Birth: 1844
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Surname: Badgley Given Names: James Montagu Taylor Year Entered: 1865 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: Bagnold Given Names: Arthur Henry Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1854
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Surname: Basevi Given Names: James Palladio Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1832
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Surname: Beauchamp Given Names: Clayton Scudamore Year Entered: 1854 Year of Birth: 1842
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Surname: Bird Given Names: Arthur James Glover Year Entered: 1896 Year of Birth: 1883
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Surname: Blyth Given Names: John Dunbar Year Entered: 1902 Year of Birth: 1889
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Surname: Bond Given Names: Reginald Francis George Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1868
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Surname: Bond Given Names: Lionel Vivian Year Entered: 1898 Year of Birth: 1884
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Surname: Bond Given Names: Richard Lawrence Year Entered: 1904 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Burn Given Names: Robert Nathaniel Year Entered: 1895 Year of Birth: 1881
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Surname: Buston Given Names: Philip Thomas Year Entered: 1867 Year of Birth: 1853
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Surname: Calrow Given Names: Richard Year Entered: 1856 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: Campbell Given Names: William Maxwell Year Entered: 1852 Year of Birth: 1839
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Surname: Chamier Given Names: Arthur Tyrrell Year Entered: 1887 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Chesney Given Names: Harold Frank Year Entered: 1873 Year of Birth: 1859
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Surname: Childers Given Names: Edmund Spencer Eardley Year Entered: 1869 Year of Birth: 1854
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Surname: Cockburn Given Names: Alexander William Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1851
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Surname: Crofton Given Names: James Year Entered: 1841 Year of Birth: 1826
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Surname: Crompton Given Names: Charles Arthur Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1848
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Surname: D'Aguilar Given Names: Francis Burton Grant Year Entered: 1863 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: Darling Given Names: Charles Henry Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1852
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Surname: Davidson Given Names: Alexander Year Entered: 1842 Year of Birth: 1829
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Surname: Day Given Names: John George Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1853
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Surname: Dobson Given Names: Alfred Edmund Year Entered: 1857 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: Dorward Given Names: James Ford Year Entered: 1859 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: Dorward Given Names: Arthur Robert Ford Year Entered: 1863 Year of Birth: 1848
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