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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Royal Engineers'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Fitzpatrick Given Names: Noel Trew Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Fowler Given Names: John Sharman Year Entered: 1878 Year of Birth: 1864
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Surname: Fuller Given Names: Charles Fearon Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1848
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Surname: Fullerton Given Names: John Davidson Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1853
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Surname: Goldingham Given Names: Robert Elphinstone Year Entered: 1889 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Griffith Given Names: Julius George Thomas Year Entered: 1845 Year of Birth: 1833
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Surname: Hamilton Given Names: Robert Ewen Year Entered: 1867 Year of Birth: 1852
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Surname: Hamilton Given Names: Roland Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: Harrison Given Names: John Henry Chevenix Year Entered: 1864 Year of Birth: 1851
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Surname: Hart Given Names: Horatio Holt Year Entered: 1862 Year of Birth: 1850
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Surname: Hart Given Names: Reginald Clare Year Entered: 1862 Year of Birth: 1848
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Surname: Hewson Given Names: John Francis Year Entered: 1863 Year of Birth: 1847
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Surname: Heycock Given Names: Charles Hensman Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1867
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Surname: Hodgson Given Names: Philip Egerton Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Hogg Given Names: Douglas McArthur Year Entered: 1901 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Holland Given Names: Edward Burnes Year Entered: 1846 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Jones Given Names: Cedric La Touche Turner Year Entered: 1901 Year of Birth: 1887
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Surname: Jopp Given Names: Keith Alexander Year Entered: 1847 Year of Birth: 1838
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Surname: Kirby Given Names: Norborne Year Entered: 1876 Year of Birth: 1863
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Surname: Langley Given Names: Lionel Year Entered: 1863 Year of Birth: 1850
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Surname: Longe Given Names: Francis Bacon Year Entered: 1871 Year of Birth: 1856
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Surname: Macdonald Given Names: Ranald Hume Year Entered: 1883 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: MacDonnell Given Names: Alfred Creagh Year Entered: 1871 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: Manley Given Names: Edward Norman Year Entered: 1887 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Mant Given Names: Charles Year Entered: 1853 Year of Birth: 1840
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Surname: Martin Given Names: Martin Year Entered: 1860 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: May Given Names: Hugh Seaburne Year Entered: 1894 Year of Birth: 1880
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Surname: Mayne Given Names: Charles Blair Year Entered: 1868 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: McKay Given Names: Henry Marshall Year Entered: 1903 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Mellor Given Names: Clive Year Entered: 1888 Year of Birth: 1876
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