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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Royal Engineers'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Morris Given Names: William George Year Entered: 1860 Year of Birth: 1847
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Surname: Ogilvie Given Names: Edward Collingwood Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1867
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Surname: Oldham Given Names: Leslie William Searles Year Entered: 1884 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Olivier Given Names: Henry Dacres Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1850
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Surname: Onslow Given Names: Gerald Charles Penrice Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1853
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Surname: Pierson Given Names: William Henry Year Entered: 1854 Year of Birth: 1839
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Surname: Porter Given Names: Geoffrey Morehead Year Entered: 1868 Year of Birth: 1854
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Surname: Porter Given Names: Malcolm Tindal Year Entered: 1897 Year of Birth: 1882
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Surname: Rawson Given Names: Geoffrey Grahame Year Entered: 1902 Year of Birth: 1887
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Surname: Renny-Tailyour Given Names: Henry Waugh Year Entered: 1859 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: Renny-Tailyour Given Names: Thomas Francis Bruce Year Entered: 1876 Year of Birth: 1863
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Surname: Rice Given Names: James Thomas Year Entered: 1865 Year of Birth: 1852
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Surname: Russell Given Names: Bruce Bremner Year Entered: 1872 Year of Birth: 1859
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Surname: Ryder Given Names: Charles Henry Dudley Year Entered: 1877 Year of Birth: 1868
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Surname: Scott Given Names: Andrew Holmes Year Entered: 1903 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Seton Given Names: Alexander Reginald Year Entered: 1851 Year of Birth: 1840
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Surname: Seton Given Names: Charles Compton Year Entered: 1856 Year of Birth: 1846
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Surname: Smith Given Names: Sidney Year Entered: 1862 Year of Birth: 1847
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Surname: Smith Given Names: Vincent Percy Year Entered: 1895 Year of Birth: 1881
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Surname: Stewart Given Names: James Year Entered: 1873 Year of Birth: 1861
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Surname: Swiney Given Names: Alexander John Henry Year Entered: 1879 Year of Birth: 1866
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Surname: Tanner Given Names: John Arthur Year Entered: 1868 Year of Birth: 1858
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Surname: Thomson Given Names: Douglas Arthur Year Entered: 1893 Year of Birth: 1879
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Surname: Tickell Given Names: Robert Proctor Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1841
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Surname: Tyler Given Names: Henry Edward Year Entered: 1868 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: Watling Given Names: Francis Wyatt Year Entered: 1877 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: Winter Given Names: Wilfred Ormonde Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Wood Given Names: Herbert William Year Entered: 1846 Year of Birth: 1837
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