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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Royal Navy'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Bradshaw Given Names: Oswald Mosley Year Entered: 1853 Year of Birth: 1842
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Surname: Bruce Given Names: Thomas Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Carter Given Names: Albert Michael Year Entered: 1855 Year of Birth: 1842
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Surname: Carter, later Carter-Campbell Given Names: Thomas Tupper Year Entered: 1851 Year of Birth: 1838
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Surname: Christian Given Names: Ewan Year Entered: 1888 Year of Birth: 1873
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Surname: Coghill Given Names: Kendal Josiah William Year Entered: 1841 Year of Birth: 1832
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Surname: Cornwall Given Names: William Wolfran Gardner Year Entered: 1858 Year of Birth: 1840
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Surname: Dacres Given Names: Richard Edmund Lyons Year Entered: 1867 Year of Birth: 1856
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Surname: Foley Given Names: Reginald Edward Year Entered: 1876 Year of Birth: 1864
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Surname: Fowler Given Names: George Merrick Year Entered: 1869 Year of Birth: 1852
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Surname: Fowler Given Names: Frank Dashwood Year Entered: 1872 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: Fowler Given Names: Michael Seymour Year Entered: 1873 Year of Birth: 1858
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Surname: Gregson Given Names: Charles Dalton Year Entered: 1895 Year of Birth: 1881
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Surname: Hayes Given Names: Clarence Henry Year Entered: 1872 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: Kuper Given Names: Charles Victor Bremer Year Entered: 1866 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: MacDougall Given Names: Henry Robert Lawrence Year Entered: 1848 Year of Birth: 1835
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Surname: May Given Names: Hugh Seaburne Year Entered: 1894 Year of Birth: 1880
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Surname: Parker Given Names: Aubrey Hastings Year Entered: 1886 Year of Birth: 1873
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Surname: Pasley Given Names: Rodney Stewart Lyons Sabine Year Entered: 1846 Year of Birth: 1832
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Surname: Pasley Given Names: Maitland Warren Bouverie Sabine Year Entered: 1850 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Pelly Given Names: Hutcheson Raymond Year Entered: 1903 Year of Birth: 1887
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Surname: Rushbrooke Given Names: William Henry Year Entered: 1865 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: Scott Given Names: George Year Entered: 1842 Year of Birth: 1826
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Surname: Webb Given Names: Edmund Melville Year Entered: 1891 Year of Birth: 1878
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