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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Bengal Civil Service'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Abercrombie Given Names: Edward Year Entered: 1867 Year of Birth: 1856
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Surname: Alexander Given Names: Charles Dallas Year Entered: 1853 Year of Birth: 1839
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Surname: Alexander Given Names: Nathaniel Stuart Year Entered: 1853 Year of Birth: 1838
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Surname: Alexander Given Names: James Edward Year Entered: 1855 Year of Birth: 1841
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Surname: Armstrong Given Names: Henry Lionel Year Entered: 1853 Year of Birth: 1838
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Surname: Clarke Given Names: Henry Wilberforce Year Entered: 1855 Year of Birth: 1840
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Surname: Clarke, later Pelly-Clarke Given Names: Edmund Leopold Year Entered: 1855 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: Court Given Names: Major Henry Year Entered: 1855 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: Court Given Names: Frederick Walter Year Entered: 1860 Year of Birth: 1847
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Surname: Crawford Given Names: Archibald Year Entered: 1874 Year of Birth: 1861
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Surname: Crooke Given Names: Hugh Neville Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1897
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Surname: Currie Given Names: Edward Reid Year Entered: 1860 Year of Birth: 1844
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Surname: Currie Given Names: Mark Mainwaring Lee Year Entered: 1892 Year of Birth: 1882
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Surname: De Lautour Given Names: Edward Joseph Year Entered: 1856 Year of Birth: 1842
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Surname: De Lautour Given Names: Cecil Albert Year Entered: 1856 Year of Birth: 1845
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Surname: De Lautour Given Names: Gideon Colquhon Year Entered: 1856 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: De Lautour Given Names: Bertrand Edgar Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1851
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Surname: Denroche-Smith Given Names: Archibald John Year Entered: 1904 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Dumergue Given Names: Charles Walter Year Entered: 1859 Year of Birth: 1844
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Surname: Dumergue Given Names: John Willoughby Francis Year Entered: 1867 Year of Birth: 1854
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Surname: Elliot Given Names: Edmund Colville Year Entered: 1869 Year of Birth: 1857
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Surname: Elliot Given Names: Guy Patton Year Entered: 1869 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: Farquharson Given Names: Charles Martin Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1836
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Surname: Garstin Given Names: Charles James Year Entered: 1853 Year of Birth: 1837
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Surname: Garstin Given Names: William Edmund Year Entered: 1864 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: Gordon Given Names: Hamilton Charles Year Entered: 1884 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Gordon Given Names: Alfred Ernest Year Entered: 1886 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Grey Given Names: Arthur Elphinstone Year Entered: 1868 Year of Birth: 1854
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Surname: Grimley Given Names: Arthur Fitzwilliam Year Entered: 1879 Year of Birth: 1865
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Surname: Grimley Given Names: Walter Macdonell Year Entered: 1880 Year of Birth: 1868
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