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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Cheltenham'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Landale Given Names: James Russell Year Entered: 1896 Year of Birth: 1881
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Surname: Landale Given Names: Charles Hugh Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Lawrence Given Names: Walter Roper Year Entered: 1867 Year of Birth: 1857
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Surname: Layard Given Names: Arthur Griffith Year Entered: 1870 Year of Birth: 1855
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Surname: Legh Given Names: Piers Richard Year Entered: 1871 Year of Birth: 1858
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Surname: Leslie Given Names: Charles Henry Falkiner Year Entered: 1880 Year of Birth: 1866
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Surname: Leslie Given Names: Norman Uniacke Knox Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1884
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Surname: Lyne Given Names: Charles Virgil Nunez Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1867
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Surname: Manley Given Names: Edward Norman Year Entered: 1887 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Mather Given Names: Oswald Year Entered: 1902 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: McMullin Given Names: John Year Entered: 1847 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Mesham Given Names: Capel Hanbury Year Entered: 1882 Year of Birth: 1872
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Surname: Montresor Given Names: Edward Henry Hopton Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1851
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Surname: Montresor Given Names: Charles Courtenay Year Entered: 1864 Year of Birth: 1852
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Surname: Moore Given Names: Lewis Grenville Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Mulliken Given Names: Charles Francis Larkin Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Mulliken Given Names: Edward Morris Year Entered: 1897 Year of Birth: 1885
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Surname: Murphy Given Names: William Norman Year Entered: 1876 Year of Birth: 1862
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Surname: Nutt Given Names: Henry Lowther Year Entered: 1854 Year of Birth: 1841
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Surname: Obbard Given Names: Owen James Year Entered: 1879 Year of Birth: 1865
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Surname: Obbard Given Names: Edward Naismith Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1867
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Surname: Oldham Given Names: Leslie William Searles Year Entered: 1884 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Onslow Given Names: Richard Cranley Year Entered: 1865 Year of Birth: 1857
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Surname: Orr Given Names: Sutherland Alexander Mackie Year Entered: 1881 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: Osborne Given Names: Edward Francis Fitzroy Year Entered: 1889 Year of Birth: 1873
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Surname: Peebles Given Names: Allan Laing Year Entered: 1877 Year of Birth: 1863
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Surname: Peebles Given Names: Evelyn Chiappini Year Entered: 1879 Year of Birth: 1865
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Surname: Peel Given Names: William de Winton Year Entered: 1863 Year of Birth: 1850
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Surname: Philipps Given Names: Herbert Rees Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1846
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Surname: Philipps Given Names: William Rees Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1849
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