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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset India and Burma Cemetery Record Books M-S for the value 'South Park Street Burial Ground'  in field Cemetery

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View Cemetery & Memorials > BACSAIndia and Burma
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Surname: Ridge Forename(s): Ann Date of death: 31 Dec 1828
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Surname: Ridley Forename(s): Caroline Date of death: 06 Sep 1833
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Surname: Ridley Forename(s): Charlotte Frances Date of death: 11 Nov 1844
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Surname: Ridley Forename(s): Elizabeth Date of death: August 1808
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Surname: Ridley Forename(s): Emelia Date of death: 25 Jul 1842
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Surname: Riley Forename(s): Ann Date of death: 13 May 1810
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Surname: Ritchie Forename(s): William Date of death: 05 Jun 1819
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Surname: Robert Forename(s): W.B. Date of death: 30 Jun 1820
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Surname: Roberts Forename(s): Charles Clark Date of death: 31 Jan 1833
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Surname: Roberts Forename(s): Margaret Date of death: 07 Aug 1837
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Alexander Date of death: 15 Jan 1822
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Alexander Date of death: 31 Dec 1807
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Allan Date of death: 09 Dec 1835
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Anna Date of death: 10 Nov 1830
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Anne Lidia (sic) Date of death: 18 Feb 1800
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Arrabella Date of death: 19 Jul 1817
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Charles Scott Date of death: 23 Apr 1823
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Dimitri Date of death: 23 Dec 1837
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Duncan Forbes Date of death: 27 Jun 1821
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): P.G. Date of death: 12 Feb 1844
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): Thomas Date of death: 08 Jun 1831
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Surname: Robertson Forename(s): William Date of death: 20 Apr 1824
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Surname: Robinson Forename(s): George Best Date of death: 09 Dec 1796
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Surname: Robinson Forename(s): Hannah Date of death: 25 Nov 1807
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Surname: Robinson Forename(s): James Date of death: 22 Jun 1819
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Surname: Robinson Forename(s): Sarah Rosalie Date of death: 19 Jul 1818
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Surname: Robinson Forename(s): Thomas Date of death: 06 Nov 1833
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Surname: Robison Forename(s): Charles Knowles Date of death: 22 Jul 1828
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Surname: Roche Forename(s): George Hastings Date of death: 10 Jan 1826
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Surname: Roche Forename(s): J. Date of death: 30 Nov 1833
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