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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Marriages 1808 for the value 'Bombay'  in field Location

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View Publications > Newspapers/PeriodicalsAsiatic Annual Register
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Groom Surname: Donnelly Groom First name: F Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Bowles Bride First name: S Bride Title: Miss Year: 1807 Month: Jun
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Groom Surname: Stanley Groom First name: W H Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Martin Bride First name: J Bride Title: Miss Year: 1807 Month: Jun
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Groom Surname: Jones Groom First name: W Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Bell Bride First name: M Bride Title: Mrs Year: 1807 Month: Aug
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Groom Surname: Von Geyer Groom First name: Christian Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Greenwoode Bride Title: Miss Year: 1807 Month: Aug
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Groom Surname: Hillhouse Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Wallace Bride Title: Mrs Year: 1807 Month: Sept
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Groom Surname: Harrison Groom First name: R Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Eyoob Bride First name: E Bride Title: Miss Year: 1807 Month: Oct
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Groom Surname: DeSouza Groom First name: M Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: DeRosario Bride First name: M Bride Title: Miss Year: 1807 Month: Nov
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Groom Surname: Gramleck Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Margotty Bride Title: Miss Year: 1807 Month: Dec
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Groom Surname: Smith Groom First name: J J Groom Rank/ Title: Capt Bride Surname: Drummond Bride First name: C Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Jan
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Groom Surname: Rich Groom First name: C J Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Mackintosh Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Jan
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Groom Surname: Morse Groom Rank/ Title: Capt Bride Surname: Trahorne Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Feb
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Groom Surname: Maw Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Bland Bride Title: Mrs Year: 1808 Month: Feb
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Groom Surname: Skrine Groom First name: J Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Weightman Bride First name: M Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Apr
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Groom Surname: Dickenson Groom First name: T Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Deane Bride First name: C Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Apr
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Groom Surname: Anderson Groom First name: J Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Philpot Bride First name: M Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: May
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Groom Surname: Powell Groom Rank/ Title: Capt Bride Surname: Langford Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Jun
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Groom Surname: Horton Groom Rank/ Title: Capt Bride Surname: Territt Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Jul
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Groom Surname: Mack Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Nesbitt Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Jul
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Groom Surname: Pope Groom Rank/ Title: Capt Bride Surname: Bridgeman Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Sep
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