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Go to record Hosur Road Cemeteries, Bangalore Hosur Road Cemeteries, Bangalore
 St Patricks RC Cemetery, Hosur Road

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DescriptionUpdated index 2020 to graves at St Patricks RC Cemetery, Hosur Road, Bangalore. Further Updated index 2021.
Date transcribed2020-00-00
Transcribed byJack Gill Thornton, Penny Powers, Edmund Bourne, Betty Rudder
CommentDetails and photographs of tombstones & inscriptions in St Patricks Cemetery, Hosur Road, Bangalore.

Any entries contributed by Jack and Gill Thornton will have a plot and row number listed. Please refer to St Patricks Cemetery Layout plan for details

PLEASE NOTE: There are several cemeteries on Hosur Road and many people do not realise this and think there is just the one. Please see the following fibiwiki pages for further details and plans

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Simpson" in "St Patricks RC Cemetery, Hosur Road" Surname  Simpson    
Forenames  Joseph    
Died  28 Mar 1903    
Age at Death  18d    
Plot  E    
Row  3    
Photograph 1  view image View image    
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Details and photographs of tombstones & inscriptions in the Hosur Road Cemeteries Bangalore.

PLEASE NOTE: There are several cemeteries on Hosur Rpad and many people do not realise this and think there is just the one. Please see the following fibiwiki pages for further details and plans
click to expand  More details

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