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Go to record HEIC Officers given Brevet Rank in the Kings Army 1798 HEIC Officers given Brevet Rank in the Kings Army 1798
 Dundas Recommendations, HEIC Officers for Brevet Rank in HMs Army

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DescriptionGazette description: HIS MAJESTY has been pleased to appoint the under mentioned Officers of the East India Companies Forces to take Rank, by Brevet, in His Majestys Army in the East Indies only, as follows. Commissions dated the 1st of January, 1798
Date transcribed2008-04-06
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
Comment- An Army officer could, by issue of a Brevet (letter) be granted a higher rank in the Army than he had attained in his Regiment. He was constrained in his regiment until a vacancy had arisen.
- An officer in the East India Company, particularly at the end of the 18th century, was entitled to a Commission in the Kings Army - at a rank to which he was appointed by Brevet.

For each Officer, this list gives his Company Rank, his Existing Brevet Rank in the Kings Army and the Brevet Rank to which Dundas was recommending him for promotion. The evidence is that the Duke of York accepted Dundas recommendations backdated to be with effect from 1st January 1798.

First Name(s)  John (Sir)    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Kennaway (Bart.)" in "Dundas Recommendations, HEIC Officers for Brevet Rank in HMs Army" Surname  Kennaway (Bart.)    
Rank HEIC Army  Major    
Rank date HEIC Army  1 Mar 1794    
Location  In Europe    
Brevet Rank H Ms Army  Major    
Brevet date qualified H Ms Army  1 Mar 1794    
Brevet promotion H Ms Army  Lieut-Colonel    
Brevet Rank promotion date H Ms Army  1 Jan 1798    
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Extracted from TNA Record WO31/68 & gazetted in Issue 14090. List of HEIC Officers recommended for increase of their Brevet Rank in the Kings Army in India, dated 2nd February 1798.
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