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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services F-I

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Finch" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services F-I" Surname  Finch    
First Name(s)  H    
Rank  Brevet-Major    
Regiment  late 31st Native Infantry    
Commissions  Ensign, 19 Aug 40 / Lieut,, 24 Jan 45 / Bt-Captain, 19 Aug 55 / Cap­tain, 28 Nov 56 / Bt-Major, 20 Jul 58    
Service  Brevet-Major Finch served throughout the Gwalior Campaign. Present at the action of Maharajpore, 43. Bronze Star. Served throughout the Punjab Campaign, 48, 49. Present at the passage of the Chenab, actions of Sadoolapore, Chillianwallah, and Goojerat, pursuit of the Sikhs and Affghans to Peshawur, and at the occupation of Attock and Peshawur. Medal and 2 Clasps. Present at the forcing of the Kohat Pass, February 50. Present during the Sonthal Campaign, 55, 56, and Commanded 2 Rifle Companies in several skirmishes. Served during the Mutiny, 57, 58. Commanded the station of Dumoh and 500 Native Troops (Cavalry and Infantry) and 2 guns, in July, August, and September 57. Took the Fort of Dumoh, and Rs. 1,30,000, &c., from a mutinous Detachment of the late 42nd Light Infantry; attacked and defeated the rebels at Kounkerea, 19th July 57. Captured the Fort and Town of Hindooreah and 2 guns, 22nd July 57. Defeated the Shahghur Rajahs Force twice when they attacked the station of Dumoh, 28th July and 4th August 57. Present at the fights in Tendee Kera Pass and at Jalimpore, and at the capture and occupation of Shahghur. Commanded a Detachment of half a European Battery, with 400 Infantry and Cavalry, at the fight of Bhopal, on 13th December 57. Commanded a Detachment of Infantry, Cavalry, and 2 guns, and captured the Town and Fort of Putna, 14th April 58. Commanded a Detachment and defeated the rebels who tried to take Fort Gunakota; taking 70 prisoners and 300 matchlocks, swords, &c., 19th August 58. Captured the Rebel Chief Tulwar Singh and received the Government reward for the same: wounded on the 19th July 57. Medal and Clasps, Thanked by Major-General Lloyd for services during the Sonthal Campaign, 7th August 55. By the Commissioner of Soorie, for ditto, 11th December 55. Thanked by Brigadier Sage, Commanding Saugor Dis­trict, for services in the Field, 23rd July 57, and 30th July 57. Thanked by the Right Honorable the Governor-General and His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief for Field Services. Thanked by Brigadier Wheeler, in 58, for Field Services. Thanked by the Lieutenant-Governor of Central Provinces, 12th February58, for Field Services. Thanked by His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, 28th May 58, for services at Dumoh. Thanked by the Governor-General, 8th July 58. Thanked by Sir R. Hamilton, 22nd April 58, for Field Services in Despatch of 17 August 58, Thanked by Brigadier Wheeler, 4th September 58, for Field Services. Thanked by Major-General Sir G. C. Whitlock, for Field Services, 28th August 58. Honorably mentioned by Major-General Whitlock, in letter, and thanked by the Governor-General, in General Orders of 9th October 58. Promoted to Brevet-Majority for services during the Mutinies, 20th July 58.    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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