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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Transcription of Medal Roll Surnames A-C for the value '4/14 Royal Artillery'  in field Regiment or Ship

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View Military records > Awards - Military > Medals - MILThe Indian Mutiny Medal Roll (British Forces) 1857-1859.
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Given Names(s): George Surname: Anderson Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Samuel Surname: Anderson Rank: Bombardier Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): John Surname: Anning Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): William Surname: Baker Rank: Collar Maker Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): James Surname: Batchellor Rank: Collar Maker Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Silas Surname: Beer Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Silas Surname: Beer Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): John Surname: Bird Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): John Surname: Bishop Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): John Surname: Bland Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): William Surname: Blaylock Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): James Surname: Boggie Rank: Sergeant Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Thomas Surname: Bourne Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): George Surname: Brand Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): George Surname: Brant Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Richard Surname: Broughton Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Edward Surname: Buckingham Rank: Shoeing Smith Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): James Surname: Burrows Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Benjamin Surname: Burton Rank: Wheeler Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): William Surname: Buttler Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Thomas Surname: Byrne Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): George Surname: Cahoon Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Samuel Surname: Carter Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): William Surname: Chadwick Rank: Bombardier Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Thomas Surname: Clements Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Henry Surname: Cockman Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): John Surname: Coggin Rank: Sergeant Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Thomas Surname: Collis Rank: Corporal Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): Thomas Surname: Collis Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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Given Names(s): James Surname: Conary Rank: Gunner Regiment or Ship: 4/14 Royal Artillery
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