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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1832-1844

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve Van Dulken
CommentDeath announcements from the "Gentleman's Magazine", a journal which is available on Google Books. Any deaths in India, or of deaths elsewhere where there was a mentioned link with India, are included. In a few lengthy obituaries the contents have been summarised by using square brackets.

Surname  Lloyd    
First names  George    
Rank/ occupation  Scholar    
Death date  19 Oct 1843    
Place of death  Egypt    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
View all other items of "Edition" with value "Dec 1844" in "Death Announcements 1832-1844" Edition  Dec 1844    
View all other items of "Page number" with value "652" in "Death Announcements 1832-1844" Page number  652    
Detail  At Gooraab, Thebes, aged 28, George Lloyd, esq. Vice President of the Literary Society of Egypt, established at Cairo. Mr Lloyd was born in India, and educated in Germany. He was the only son of Major Sir William Lloyd, of Brynestyn near Wrexham. Though he left India when a youth, he was singularly well acquainted the character of the people of that country, and the modifications it had undergone from European associations. He had devoted much time to the study of Middle Age history, and particularly to the influence of Saracenic science on European civilization; and latterly to Egyptian antiquities. In 1840 he edited a “Narrative of a Journey from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalayan Mountains, &c., by Major Sir William Lloyd, and Capt. A. Gerard’s Account of an attempt to penetrate to Garoo, &c. with a letter from the Late J.G. Gerard, esq. detailing a Visit to the Shatool and Boorendo Passes,” 2 vols. (See the Atheneum, no. 644.) In 1841 an “Account of Koonawur, in the Himalaya, by the late Capt. Alex. Gerard.” (See the Atheneum, No. 733.)     
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