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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Beatson" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B" Surname  Beatson    
First Name(s)  W F    
Rank  Colonel    
Regiment  late 4th Europeans    
Commissions  Ensign, 13 Jul 20 / Lieut, 11 Jul 23 / Captain, 26 Jan 37 / Bt-Major, 9 Nov 46 / Major, 18 Jul 48 / Lieut-Colonel, 15 iNov 53 / Bt-Colonel, 28 Nov 54    
Service  Colonel William Ferguson Beatson entered the Bengal Army in 1820. Being on furlough, he, with the sanction of the British Government, served with the British Legion in Spain in 1835-36, first as Major, and afterwards as Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding a Regiment, at the head of which he was severely wounded. For services in Spain, received the Cross of San Fernando from the Queen of Spain, and Her Britannic Majesty's permission to wear it, 12th September 1837. Returned to India in 1837, and received the thanks of the Government of India for capture of Jignee in Bundlecund in 1840, and of Chirgong in 1841. In February 1844, received the thanks of the Governor-General's Agent of Scindia's Dominions, for recovering for the Gwalior Government forts and strongholds in Kuehwahagar. In March 1844, received the thanks of Government for the volunteering of the Bundlecund Legion for Scinde, which volunteering the Governor-General declared placed the Government of India under great obligation. In March 1846, was mentioned in Sir Charles Napier's Despatch, regarding the Campaign in the Boogtee Hills, which service called forth the approbation, of Govern­ment, la July 1846, the conduct of the Bundlecund Legion while in Scinde,of which he was Commandant, and was praised in General Orders by Governor-General Viscount Hardinge. In July 1848. received the approbation of the Government of India for taking Jagheer and Fort of Rymow from the Rohillas. In November 1850, re-captured Rymow from the Arabs. In February 1851, took the Fort of Dharoor, one of the strongest in the Deccan. In March 1851, the following General Order was issued by the Resident at Hyderabad: - " Brigadier Beatson having tendered his resignation of the Command of the Nizam's Cavalry from date of his embarkation for England, the Resident begs to express his entire approval of this Officer's conduct, during the time he has exercised the important Command of the Cavalry Division." " Brigadier Beatson has not only maintained, but improved, the interior economy and arrangement of the Cavalry Division; and the value of his active Military services in the field has been amply attested to, and rendered subject of record in the several instances of Kamgaon, Rymow, Arnee, and Dharoor." Proceeded to Turkey on special service, 1st May 1854, with rank as Colonel on the Staff in the British Army, and received the rank of Lieutenant-General in the Turkish Army, on his arrival at Constantinople. For his services on the Danube, he received Gold Medal from the Sultan (the ' Nishan-Iftihar.') In 1854 was with the Heavy Brigade at Balaklava and Inkermann. Mentioned in General Scarlett's Despatch regarding the charge at Balaklava, and received the British and Turkish Silver Medals for the Crimea, the former with three Clasps. Was given the local rank of Major-General in Her Majesty's Army in Turkey, 1st November 1854, and organized 4,000 Bashee Bazouks. Returned to India on the breaking out of the Mutiny in 1857; raised, organized, and took two Regiments of Cavalry into the field. Medal. For services with one of the Regiments of this Brigade, the 18th Royal Irish and Bombay Artillery, received the thanks of Sir Hugh Rose, in Despatch, February 24th 1859, of which an extract is here given: - " Sir Hugh Rose has recently made known to the Commander-in-Chief of the Bombay Army the satisfaction he derived from the manner in which you discharged your duties whilst under his Command; and he avails himself of this opportunity for conveying to you his best thanks for the zeal and energy with which you carried out his instructions. He is perfectly aware of your readinessto encounter any hardship or fatigue for the good of the service."* - Extract of a letter from the Assistant Quarter Master General, with Sir Hugh Rose, dated 24th February 1859. Has received a Cross of the First Class of the National and Military Order of San Fernando of Spain.    
Remarks  * Colonel Beatson has the proud satisfaction of knowing, that his having refused to submit quietly to the arbitrary acts of a despotic Ambassador, caused by the false reports of Levantine Consuls, and to the unparallelled injustice of a War Minister, prevented his being a K.C.B. long ago, which distinction one of the most chivalrous and high-minded Officers in the British Army declared his services entitled him to; the same cause prevented his getting the 2nd Class of the Medjidié, which every Officer who served in the late war must acknowledge was most unjustly withheld from Colonel Beatson after his services on the Danube, in Turkey, and in the Crimea; while it was given to some who never were under fire in either. This has been inserted at Colonel Beatson's request.    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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