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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Boyd" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B" Surname  Boyd    
First Name(s)  A    
Rank  Major    
Regiment  late 2nd European Bengal Fusiliers    
Commissions  2nd Lieut, 21 Jan 35 / Lieut, 27 Dec, 41 / Captain, 15 Aug 47_ Bt-Major, 19 Jan 58 / Major, 1 Jan 62    
Service  Major Boyd served in the 5th Native Infantry with the Army of the Indus in Scinde in 1838-39. Served with the 2nd Europeans under Sir C. Napier, against the Hill tribes in Scinde, 1844-45. Served in the 2nd Bengal European Regiment with the Army of the Punjab in 1848-49. Present at Ramnuggur, passage of the Chenab, and actions of Chillianwallah and Goojerat. (Wounded, slightly). Present at the pursuit and surrender of the Sikh Army to Sir Walter R. Gilbert, G.C.B., and subsequent pursuit of the Affghans to the Khyber Pass. Medal and 2 Clasps. Commanded 4 Companies of the European Bengal Fusiliers in the operations in Burmah against the Rebel Chief Moung-Goung-Gee, 1854-55. Commanded the 2nd Bengal Fusiliers at the battle of Badlee-ka-Serai, 8th June 1857, and during all the operations before Delhi, storm and capture of the city on 14th September 1857. Medal and Clasp. Mentioned in the Despatch of Brigadier Jones, C.B,, 17th September '57, and Major-General Sir H. Barnard, K.C.B., 12th June '57. Promoted to the rank of Brevet-Mqjor, 19th January '58. Commanded a Column in the Delhi District, '59.    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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