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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Brasyer" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services A-B" Surname  Brasyer    
First Name(s)  J    
Honours  CB    
Rank  Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel    
Regiment  Unattached List    
Commissions  Bt-Major, 19 Jan 58 / Major, 9 Dec 59 / Lieut -Colonel, 20 Feb 58    
Service  Lieutenant-Colonel Brayser, C.B., served in Afghanistan, with the Force under General Pollock, 1842. Present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass; actions at Mamoo Kheil, Jugdulluck, Tazeen, and Huft Kotul, and assault and capture of Istaliff. Medal. Throughout the Campaign on the Sutlej, including the actions of Moodkee, Ferozeshuhur, and Sobraon. Medal and 2 Clasps, and, Ensigns Commission. Promoted to Captain in consideration of the important services rendered by him at Allahabad in disarming and making prisoners of about a Company of the 6th Regiment Native Infantry, who were on Guard over the Main Gate and State Prisoners in the Fort, on the night of the 6th June 1857, and with but 400 men of his Regiment (Regiment of Ferozepore). Present in conjunction with the few Europeans there Åš held that Fortress secure until the arrival of more Europeans. In the engagements with the Rebels at Allahabad between the City and Cantonments on the 12th, {Charger wounded), Khydgunj 13th, in the Town 16th, and re-occupation of Town, and Cantonments 17th June '57, with Major Renaud's rnoveable Column from 30th June till 12th July, advancing towards Cawnpore, with the Force under General Sir H. Havelock, at the actions of Futtehpore on the 12th, Oung and Pandoo Nuddee 15th, and battle and re-occupation of Cawnpore 16th and 17th July, Bhittoor 18th, actions of Oonao and Busseerutgunge 5th, Boor-beean-ke-Chokee 12th, (Charger wounded), and Bhittoor 16th August; Brevet Major; landed his Regiment (R. F.) on the Oude side of the River Ganges on the 17th September; two days there, in advance of the Army, to protect the making of a bridge and road for the passage of the Troops; skirmishes of 17th, 18th and 19th; actions of Munglewar 21st, Alumbaug 23rd, and first relief of Lucknow 25th September, (had charger killed at his side, and a horse under him ; received five shots, left for dead but recovered). Medal, Clasps, and C.B. With the entrenched Camp under General Sir J. Outram at Alumbaug from the 25th November 1857 to the 10th March 1858. Present at the affairs of Gailee, 22nd December 1857, attacks of 12th and 16th January 1858, night attack of 17th February, attack of 18th, affair of 25th, also night attack of the25th February 1858; joined the Camp of His Excellency Sir Colin Campbell, Commander-in-Chief, before Lucknow on the 11th; joined the Troops in advance at the Begumkotee on the 12th; operations of the 13th, and on the 14th March under General T. H. Pranks; led his Regiment, (E. P.), which on that day stormed and carried the Emam Barra and the Kaissur Bagh, and driving the emerny before it, by turning their own guns on them, established itself in the main square, and planted the British Standard on the top of the principal Palace therein; at the taking of the Iron Bridge, &c., under General Sir J. Outram on the 16th March (severely wounded,) and at the subsequent operations about Lucknow. Medal and Clasp and Lieutenant-Colonel. With General J. H. Grant's moveable Column at Fyzabad.    
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.
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